
Partner Spotlight: WHCC

It's incredibly important to us that our photographers provide their clients with the highest quality print products. We partner with hand-selected labs around the world to ensure that the products you sell are made with care and help you provide a professional experience.

One of our featured partnerships is with White House Custom Color (WHCC). This family-owned lab has been a long-time partner of Pass and Pass photographers, providing everything from leather albums to large hand-pulled canvas prints. To learn more about WHCC, click here.

This summer, the team at Pass had an absolutely incredible time touring the WHCC facilities in Minnesota! Our CEO, Trevor Houghton, sat down with Robert Tesoro, the Partner Support and Resource Manager at WHCC to talk about the new things coming to Pass, what they mean for our photographers, and why our partnership with high-end print labs is more important than ever.

Check out the interview here:

How do I manage download permissions?
How do I schedule when emails are sent?
How does a client select photos via client selection tool? (Desktop)
How do I add more than one Main Client?